Critics are everywhere and with the integration of social media in our society, the critics are magnified. They seem louder, more obvious, bolder. Perhaps the ability to hide behind a computer monitor and not have to look those they criticize in the eyes has made it so. Perhaps being able to quickly type words on their keyboards and hit 'enter' without taking a breath to rethink what they are about to say makes it so. I am guilty of this myself.
I have taken a break from all social media except Pinterest and Instagram in order to avoid this kind of criticism/competition/comparison that I seemed to see everyday. Maybe I'm just too sensitive, but all of the criticisms echo loudly in my head after reading them ...even if they had nothing to do with me. I just kept wondering why it would bother the critic so much if someone did things a differently or had a different opinion than they did. Why point out someone elses defeat for everyone else to read. I hear enough of that in the media during this election process. I don't need to hear it in the places I once enjoyed.
It seems that everything is up for debate or criticism: canon vs. nikon, actions vs. natural, props vs. no props, crossfit vs. yoga vs. running vs. cycling, breast vs. bottle, SAHM vs. working mom...blah blah blah! I recently read a blog post in which the photographer boasted about how much more creative she is than the others in the field and then continued to openly criticize others about their lack of creativity. Another went on to name and link to another photographer's website because she did not agree with the type of props she was using. Really ladies???
I understand that it is human nature to be competitive and critical of others. In fact, I am being critical of critics by writing this, right? I must admit that I am much happier by not going on line and reading these things. I'm not saying that I won't be back, but when I do come back I will come back less often and with blinders on. When I do come back I am surrounding myself with people who support and respect the differences in others. I want to be the type of person who learns from opinions different than my own, a person who picks a friend up when they fall, and a person who finds true and encouraging words for those who try, fail, and try again. I'm counting on all of you to hold me to that!
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